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Cookie Policy

At Nocladian Limited, we use cookies to enhance your browsing experience and provide personalized services. This Cookie Policy explains how we use cookies on our website and the impact they have on your user experience. By continuing to use our website, you consent to the use of cookies as described in this policy.

1. What are Cookies?

1.1 Cookies are small text files that are placed on your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. They store certain information about your browsing activities, preferences, and interactions with the website.

1.2 Cookies serve various purposes, such as remembering your login details, analyzing website performance, and offering personalized content and advertisements.

2. Types of Cookies We Use

2.1 Essential Cookies: These cookies are necessary for the basic functionality of our website. They enable you to access secure areas, use shopping carts, and navigate the site smoothly.

2.2 Analytical Cookies: We use analytical cookies to collect anonymous data about how you use our website. This information helps us understand user behavior, identify popular pages, and improve our website’s performance.

2.3 Functional Cookies: Functional cookies enhance your browsing experience by remembering your preferences and customizing the website’s layout and content accordingly.

2.4 Advertising and Marketing Cookies: These cookies allow us to display relevant advertisements based on your interests. They also help us measure the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns.

3. Your Consent

3.1 By continuing to use our website, you consent to the use of cookies as described in this policy. You can manage your cookie preferences through your browser settings. However, please note that blocking certain cookies may impact the functionality and user experience of our website.

4. Third-Party Cookies

4.1 Some cookies on our website may be placed by third-party service providers, such as Google Analytics and advertising networks. These cookies are subject to the respective privacy policies of these third parties.

4.2 We do not have access to or control over third-party cookies. However, we strive to work with reputable service providers that prioritize user privacy and security.

5. How to Manage Cookies

5.1 Most web browsers allow you to manage cookies through their settings. You can choose to accept or reject cookies, delete stored cookies, or receive notifications when a cookie is being sent.

5.2 Please note that blocking or deleting cookies may impact the functionality of certain features on our website.

6. Your Privacy Matters

6.1 At Nocladian Limited, we value your privacy. The information collected through cookies is used in accordance with our Privacy Policy. We do not sell or disclose your personal data to third parties for advertising purposes.

7. Updates to Cookie Policy

7.1 We may update this Cookie Policy from time to time to reflect changes in our cookie practices or applicable regulations. We recommend checking this page periodically for any updates.

By using our website, you acknowledge that you have read and understood our Cookie Policy. If you have any questions or concerns about cookies or our data practices, please contact us at